الخميس، 29 نوفمبر 2012

Jim Rickards Gold is Money $7 000 Gold Price Soon

Jim Rickards Gold is Money $7 000 Gold Price Soon







Jim Rickards: Gold is Money ($7,000 Gold Price)

http://www.NewWaveSlave.com - Jim Rickards must be a very nice man because every time he is interviewed on this channel, the brilliant hosts (said sarcastically) continually mock him by making light of his thoughts on gold as money. Jim Rickards presents yet another clear and concise message as to why gold is money and the gold price should be around $7,000/oz in a few years due to the fiat money printing from the US & EU. Rickards also discusses the importance of the SDRs issued by the IMF and the increasing importance in the rise of Germanys powers. Germany is in the process of creating the Fourth Reich in financial terms and Rickards is ahead of the game (as usual) by understanding the nature of governments and the barbarous relic know as gold. Great interview, just ignore the condescending attitude of those asking questions.





Gold price will reach $5,000 predicts Rob McEwen

In this video, Rob McEwen, Chairman & CEO of US Gold and founder of Goldcorp, predicts a gold price of $5,000 by the time it peaks. He acknowledges the role of gold as money. People invest in gold to protect their other investments.





The KB Gold Revolution

http://www.staged.com/video?v=FXc For those of you who are neophytes to the gold and silver market, you probably have many questions. You may be asking yourself, Why buy gold?. That is a very good question. Depending on whom you ask you will probably get a different answer. I will tell you the reason why you should buy gold...Because GOLD IS MONEY! When (notice I did not say if) our currency fails (and it has to!) and our paper money is worthless, owning physical gold (and silver) will become the globally accepted currency. People will need gold to purchase the essentials of everyday life! Another reason to buy gold is... Because Gold Is A Store Of Value! Gold never loses its value. The same amount of gold will buy an average home today as it did in the 1920s! The price of gold has an inverse relationship with the value of the dollar. When the dollar is up the price of gold goes down. When the dollar falls the price of gold increases!





Bernanke: I Dont Understand the Gold Price

Bernanke hilariously admitted that he doesnt understand movements in the gold price. I think anyone with common sense would agree with him that he indeed doesnt understand gold. Gold, Silver, Bullion, Investing, Inflation, Hyperinflation, Peter Schiff, Marc Faber, Jim Cramer, Gerald Celente, Jim Rogers, Nouriel Roubini, Glen Beck, Barack Obama, Bernanke, stock market, stocks, Robert Kiyosaki, Jim Sinclair






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