الأربعاء، 28 نوفمبر 2012

One year after IMF bailout, Greece still spending big on military

One year after IMF bailout, Greece still spending big on military

More Information http://the-salfordian.com/one-year-after-imf-bailout-greece-still-spending-big-on-military/







Greece Selling Bonds In First Offering Since EU, IMF Said They Would Help Finance Its Deficit

3/29/2010- Greece is selling a benchmark issue of seven-year bonds in its first debt offering since the EU and IMF said they would help finance its budget deficit, according to a Bloomberg report. Greece may price the bonds to yield approximately 310 basis points over the mid-swap rate, according to people involved in the transaction. Both the EU and the IMF agreed to stand behind Greeces debt last week as it prepares to raise about 53 billion euros by year-end.





Significance of the Greek bailout package with Jacques du Preez

(www.abndigital.com) Greece yesterday agreed on terms with the EU and IMF for a €110bn euro or $146bn financial bail-out over the next three years. But the package still needs backing from Greeces European peers as a May 19 deadline looms when Athens needs funds to make a big debt repayment to creditors. Joining us on the significance of the bailout package is Jacques du Preez from Rand Merchant Bank.





Global stocks drop, Greece gets 2-year bailout extension, & Sinofsky leaves MSFT

11/13/12 Global equities were in the red to start the trading day as Greece was granted a 2-year extension by the EU to repay its current bailout loans. Also, German economic sentiment took a dive and Microsoft executive Steven Sinofsky leaves Microsoft.





Stocks up as agreement is reached over Greece -- IG Index Daily Market Update 24.06.11

• Markets rebound from yesterday as Greece, EU and IMF agree on bailout and austerity cuts • Chinese official declares that China has reined in inflation • Miners and oil stocks are todays biggest gainers






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