الاثنين، 24 ديسمبر 2012

Brighter Futures - Unicef

Brighter Futures - Unicef







Day two of UNICEF Sahel campaign

Phil Han takes a look at the social media efforts of celebs on the second day of the UNICEF campaign to save the Sahel.





Brighter Futures: Ariel Frank

Community college student Ariel Frank talks about why financial aid is important to her.





UNICEF: Palestinian children face educational challenges

HEBRON, Occupied Palestinian Territory, 5 October 2007 -- Ongoing conflict poses threats to the education of Palestinian children. Not only is safe access to school often jeopardized, but it is hard for them to thrive once they get into the classroom. As part of a back-to-school campaign, UNICEF -- with the support of the Saudi Committee for Relief of Palestinian People, and the Government of the Netherlands -- has provided almost 40,000 remedial worksheets and 1,500 math and science kits, and has distributed more than 50,000 school bags and 275 school uniforms. This support is aimed at improving the quality of education and ensuring that all children remain in school. Going back to school is very important for children, mainly for girls -- it brings a sense of normality in their lives in an abnormal context, said UNICEFs Project Officer in Hebron, Wafa Obeidat. To read the full story, visit: http://www.unicef.org/infobycountry/oPt_41130.html





Dibocors Salt

Dibocor Sall is a small-scale salt harvester in the village of Farabougou in the Kaolack region of Senegal. The salt he harvests is sold in markets throughout Senegal, at prices lower than the salt from large companies. But there´s something missing in Dibocor´s salt an adequate amount of iodine, essential to a child´s brain development. Dibocor needs a new way to iodize his salt and the Micronutrient Initiative, harnessing the strength of its partners, including the World Food Programme, UNICEF and Senegal´s Cellule de lutte contre la malnutrition, may have the solution a sustainable solution for all of Senegal´s small producers. Follow Dibocor across the salt flats of Kaolack as he learns how to give children a brighter future through an innovative method of iodization. Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oc8DYy-o8GE






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