السبت، 29 ديسمبر 2012

CUHK Business School Career Forum: Are you the right fit for The Job? 20121117 - (Full ver. part 4)

CUHK Business School Career Forum: Are you the right fit for The Job? 20121117 - (Full ver. part 4)

The Alumni and Corporate Affairs Office hosted its inaugural Career Forum at the new Yasumoto International Academic Park teaching facility on 17 November 2012. It was titled Are you the right fit for the job? and was attended by over 130 alumni and students of the CUHK Business School, receiving very enthusiastic feedback. Sharing insights, advice and inspiring stories were three distinguished guest speakers: Mr. Samson Lee, Managing Director and Head of Debt Capital Markets of BOC International; Mr. Daniel Pinto, Partner of IBM Global Business Services; and Mr. Adrian Tam, Deputy General Manager of Sales and Marketing of Octopus Cards Ltd. To read more, please visit http://alumni.baf.cuhk.edu.hk/en-gb/news.aspx?udt_496_param_detail=2500







CUHK Business School_ Global Leader Series by Mrs Margaret Leung 20120615_Part1

On 15 June, the Alumni and Corporate Affairs Office of the CUHK Business School held the inaugural talk for the Global Leader Series in the lecture theatre of the Graduate Law Centre, to a full house. Our first speaker, Mrs. Margaret Leung, JP, Former Vice-Chairman and Chief Executive of Hang Seng Bank, kicked off the speaker series with a topic titled The Road to Success for Influential Female Leaders in Hong Kong: Obstacles and Opportunities. She shared her insights and experiences as a successful businesswoman in the finance and banking industry. The event attracted more than 150 participants including the CUHK and Business Schools professors and colleagues, alumni, and postgraduate students. To read more, please visit http://alumni.baf.cuhk.edu.hk/en-gb/news.aspx?udt_496_param_detail=1552





CUHK Business School_ Global Leader Series by Mrs Margaret Leung 20120615_Part2

On 15 June, the Alumni and Corporate Affairs Office of the CUHK Business School held the inaugural talk for the Global Leader Series in the lecture theatre of the Graduate Law Centre, to a full house. Our first speaker, Mrs. Margaret Leung, JP, Former Vice-Chairman and Chief Executive of Hang Seng Bank, kicked off the speaker series with a topic titled The Road to Success for Influential Female Leaders in Hong Kong: Obstacles and Opportunities. She shared her insights and experiences as a successful businesswoman in the finance and banking industry. The event attracted more than 150 participants including the CUHK and Business Schools professors and colleagues, alumni, and postgraduate students. To read more, please visit http://alumni.baf.cuhk.edu.hk/en-gb/news.aspx?udt_496_param_detail=1552





Part time Jobs for Students Online in 2012 Job search Career planning

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PTTLS Preparing to teach lifelong learning sector

(http://ptllsteachertraining.co.uk/) Preparing to Teach in Lifelong Learning Sector (PTLLS) Why you should consider getting a PTLLS qualification Compete in the jobs market with the latest teaching qualifications Proves you are a trained teacher/trainer The opportunity to secure full-time, part-time or freelance teaching roles Meet the minimum college recruitment requirements to get that job The opportunity to earn a salary or fee that exceeds your expectations The ability to work when you want to work due to the flexibility of teaching Control your work life balance to fit around you and family life Once you complete PTLLS these are the options that can open up for you: Work full-time or part-time in a college (private or publicly funded) Teach small groups or one-to-one Join a corporate training provider Start your own training business Be able to train staff in your company e.g. first aid Gain the next teaching qualification CTLLS (Certificate) and/or DTLLS (Diploma) Who is this ideal for... Anyone who wants to start a new career as a teacher/trainer in the post-16+ sector If you are currently working as a tutor and need to obtain the new PTLLS qualification If you are seeking career progression within your organisation/college Re-training in a different business area e.g. a hair dresser teaching hairdressing A new career after redundancy or leaving your current job Want to Earn some extra money by working part-time as a tutor Taking extra responsibility at work and need formal qualifications






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